Right from the start I detested AI. It was a no-brainer, I didn’t want it, never wanted to use it. It pops up on apps like Facebook messenger and Microsoft Swiftkey. Why? You know when you are trying to get to customer services online that you got a chatbot. As a content creator I expect the desire is strong to make a novel or an article in a few minutes and publish. Not for me though. I never write fast anyway and I discovered that, when I struggled to read as a dyslexic, that I was actually taking it in better. The writing is the same, it takes a long time, but my intention is, that it is well thought out, dwelling on the plot points, the emotion, the setting,
As an experiment I ran the start of my new novel through AI to see what it did with it. It did what I expected, overblown, written by a child. Over the top emotion, lots of exclamation points! Lots of needless detail, no subtlety and predictable plot points. Depressing to think that everything will be like this soon! He exclaimed with a pink dress on!
The above is embellished, I hope that wasn’t too subtle.
I find writing quite hard and slow work, I think over all the plot points in detail due to the pace that I write. It takes over a year per novel. I have been working at writing for 54 years and spent 5 years in higher education writing. It is depressing to think that AI can make a novel in a few minutes.
Link: Meta envisages social media filled with AI-generated users