I have written:
The novels
1. No title – Science Fiction (unfinished)
2. No title – Real Life (unfinished)
3. No title – Science Fiction
4. No title – Real Life (much like Coming up for Air)
5. Burning Wolfhound – Action Thriller
6. Codename Wolfhound – Action Thriller
7. ANDROMEDA IYNX (working title) – science fiction (work in progress)
8. Wolfhound 3 (working title – work in progress)
9. Before the Wolfhound (work in progress)
(The Wolfhound books are becoming a series)
1. Caffeinated in Woolwich – 4 pieces showcase
2. Misplaced – Short Stories
3. Shatter. Justin Tuijl the poems 2011-2020
In anthologies
Galaxy # 20: An Inner Circle Writers’ Group Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology
Goodreads Best Short Stories 2021
Poetica: The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Poetry Anthology 2019
Absent Ginsberg: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry
Gleam: The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Second Flash Fiction Anthology 2019
FreeLitMag – Jan 2018
I have been published in several more but those have vanished
I’ve also written
Well over 200 poems (pre-2011 lost).
Three autobiographies (two lost).
Loads of articles.
Loads of non fiction.
I’m fermenting the science fiction novel but the real-world dystopia is rather distracting. I’m very busy restoring the church building I live in. 2020 had a terrible effect on my writing, hopefully it will come back before the world ends. I’m also doing a prequel and part 3 of the Wolfhound novels.
A lot of my writing is on ABCTails