The conservation section

The posts in the conservation section do say what the conservation section is all about but, in summary, I decided to have a go at “saving the planet” from 2011. Unlike many of those who say they want to, and never do, I actually had a go at it. The result was eye opening, not in the way you may expect.

Voluntary redundancy to save the planet
More background on the motivations
Ecuador 2011 – Part 1
Ecuador 2011 – Part 2 – Jungle Trip
Ecuador 2011 – Part 3 – Cloud Forrest
India 2012 – Freshwater Turtles
Indonesia 2012 – Part 1 – Banda Aceh
Indonesia 2012 – Part 2 – Bukit Lawang
Indonesia 2012 – Part 3 – Rubber Banda – India 2013
Conservation Note 2024

More thoughts on the subject

Further sources of greenwashing
Electric cars… are an agenda
RSS Sir David Bellamy? Or BoatyMcBoatface?

And to sum it all up

I thought I was Greta