
About the website: sometimes this site has been my personal website, sometimes my author site, sometimes my musician site, sometimes my conservation notes. Once it had my webdesign also but that was split off to GreylizardWebdesign.co.uk Some of the content goes way back to my first personal website on Yahoo Geocities in 1998. So where I have finally got to is this: it contains links my author work, musician output, and a old post that people liked over the years.

Why did I remove so much work from the site? Not many visits now: the websites noted above got a lot of visits over the years. Traffic was high until 2020 and then the visits died. Odd. Oh well. Have at look: w3counter.com/stats/151976 most visits are from China, interesting. The site gets so few views I made the un-viewed pages private, this site used to be huge.

About Justin:

Birthdate: 8th March
Personality type: INFJ-T

All the best, Justin.

Justin Tuijl